Splash Pad at Robsion Park

Temporary closure due to electrical problem.
Expected to reopen on Saturday, August 31st.

Splash Pad Rules and Regulations:

•   Operational Hours: 9am - 8pm
  •   Splash pad may be closed at any time due to weather, maintenance or other operational concerns.
  •   Splash Pad is unsupervised.
  •   All children under the age of 10 must have adult supervision.
  •   Soled shoes for waterplay recommended. 
  •   Toddlers must wear swim diapers.
  •   Patrons engaging in horse play or foul language will be asked to leave.
  •   Climbing on the splash pad features is strictly prohibited.
  •   Keep glass containers, bicycles, skateboards and in-line skates off the splash pad.
  •   No food or drink on the splash pad.
  •   No pets allowed on splash pad.