Leaf Removal


The City of Lyndon will provide two leaf pickups to each residential property. This service will be provided in November and December. A notice will be mailed to you indicating the days your leaves will be picked up. Our contractor will come by with a large vacuum and pick them up on your scheduled day. We ask that you put out your leaves one or two days prior to your pickup date. If the contractor is ahead of schedule, they may start picking up early, but they will return to pick up on the days you are originally scheduled. Inclement weather may delay your pickup. The following is a check list to insure your leaves are ready for pickup.

Your leaves must be within 6 feet from the edge of the pavement, either in piles or in a row.

Do not put the leaves in the street.

No cars may be parked on the street on the day of your pickup.

Only leaves will be accepted - no twigs, branches or other waste.

Please remember, if your leaves are not out on your scheduled days the truck will not return. We hope that you will take advantage of this service. Thanks for your help!